
Showing posts from March, 2020

Things To Do While You Are Stuck At Home

 By: Dilan Mehta Okay, so I'm cooped up inside the house, no school because of the COVID-19 Coronavirus. And I know a lot of things are shut down, everything is closed, people have to stay home. But you can still be active and do things. I encourage you to go outside every day, get some sunshine. I am always in my backyard, playing with my brother, and that helps a lot. And it is also an opportunity to learn something new. I am trying to pick up new chords on my guitar, for Stairway to Heaven, and I've been improving my sprint time. So since a lot of us are bored, it is time to pick up a new project, something to do. Here are some websites that can help, because doing something new can be very beneficial, so I thought I would add this post. This website can help you learn to doodle and draw with Mo Willems, the celebrated children's book author. Press the arrow buttons to see past episodes. https://www.duolingo.

Adults: How and Why You Should Read

 By: Dilan Mehta Even though you are an adult, that doesn't mean you stop learning and reading. The way to do this is to learn about the stuff you like. I like sports, biking, business, and drawing. So I get books about those things. But not just get. Actually, read. How many people will admit to having a shelf full of books in their study but have never pulled down a single one? But I'm not going to spend a lot of time talking about why you should read, I'm going to focus on  how. The reason being is, it's like anything else. You hear the benefits, you get really pumped up and motivated, but you don't know how to do it, and you often forget about it and move on. So how exactly do you do read? Good question. 1. Pick books you like I wrote about this a little above. You just need to find something for yourself. You like _____. You read _____ books. Whatever your hobby or interest is. And it doesn't just have to be nonfiction. There are tons of good ficti